Benefits Of Premium Domains
Instant Credibility
Market Value
Trust and Security
Improved SEO
Brand Recognition
Unique Identity
Why Choose
Your Questions, Our Answers
How do I find and register a premium domain?
If you wish to purchase a specific domain or see if it's available, you can check the availability of premium domains for sale using the search bar on this page. You will then find suggestions that exactly or closely match your request. If the specific name is not available or out of your price range, choose from the suggested or relevant domain names to proceed with your purchase.
Once you have paid for your domain and that payment has been verified, the domain will transfer under your name within a week. Keep in mind that the price is a one-time charge, however, you will need to renew the domain registration each year (typically a $10 - $20 fee) to keep the name’s ownership.
What's the difference between a premium domain and a regular domain?
Premium domain names are shorter, more memorable, and more appealing to a broader audience. They are unique or catchy names that intuitively signal their subject matter or audience. Specific keywords such as "money" or "tech" are so popular that quality domain names using those words may be sparse.
A regular domain name, also called Primary Registration, may have never been registered before. For popular TLDs like .com, it's understandable that many names have been registered previously.
How much does a premium domain name cost?
The demand for premium domain names is increasing and, with that, their prices are as well. Prices vary from one premium domain name to the next depending on the industry, spelling, and market trends. The good news is our Domain experts are happy to help you find the perfect premium domain name in your price range. Consult our team today for all your premium domain needs.
Will Premium Domains have expensive renewal rates?
No. In most cases, your new premium domain will renew at the regular price for your specific top-level domain (TLD).
Is a premium domain worth buying?
There are many benefits to using a premium domain. Although they may cost more in the beginning, their short memorable names are easy to remember, which can boost marketing, branding, and recognition. Over time, these intrinsic benefits will help with your SEO and, in turn, drive more web traffic.