
Knowledge Base

Changing the Quota for an FTP account in cPanel

A Quota is a maximum bandwidth an FTP user can use for an account. This can be set in the Hosting Manager, so you could keep track of the disk space used by an FTP user. The set quota will be your limit bandwidth for your FTP account. In this article, you’ll learn how to change your FTP account’s quota via cPanel.

Follow the steps below to change the quota for an FTP account.

Step 1. Log in to your cPanel.

Step 2. Scroll down to Files, then click the FTP Accounts option.

Step 3. Under FTP Accounts, select the account you want to manage and click on the corresponding Change Quota option.

Step 4. Set a fixed quota limit by entering a value on the field provided.
You may also choose Unlimited to allow the user to use the total bandwidth of your account.

Step 5. Click Change Quota to save changes.

You’re all set! Your FTP account’s quota is updated. Please let us know if you need any further assistance, or if you have any questions. We’d love to help!

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