
Knowledge Base

Create a CSR for Exchange 2013

This tutorial shows you how to create a CSR with the New Exchange Certificate Wizard. These are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Navigate to the Exchange Admin Center. You can do this by entering https://localhost/ecp into a browser.
  2. Sign in using the Domain/user name as the user name.

  3. Find the Servers link in the left column and click on it. Then hit Certificates in the top right. Click on the + symbol as shown in the image below.

  4. A wizard called new exchange certificate will pop up.
  5. Select Create a request for a certificate from a certification authority and then hit the Next button.

  6. Where it says *Friendly name for this certificate:, enter an informal name for your certificate (not the file name, unless this is how you prefer). This will be how you'll remember the certificate in the future. Then hit Next.

  7. If you are planning on requesting a Wildcard SSL Certificate, then check the box on the next screen and enter the root domain (in most cases this is *yourdomain.com). If you are generating any other type of SSL Certificate, hit Next.

  8. Hit the Browse button to select the server you are going to save the CSR on, then go to the next screen by hitting Next.

  9. In the list on the next screen, choose the services with which you would like to make secured connections. You can do this by Ctrl+Clicking each one. Then continue by hitting Next. For Wildcard SSL Certificates, this step is not required.

    On the following screen, Exchange 2013 will suggest names for you to include in your CSR. Modify this list using the + button to add any names that you want.
  10. Fill in required fields and click Next.

    Below is a description of the fields:
    Common name The full domain name of your server.
    Organization The legal name of your organization. Include inc, ltd, or llc, if applicable.
    Organization unit Whatever department in your organization that is managing the certificate.
    City/locality The city or town where your organization is based.
    State/province The state or region where your organization is based. Do not use abbreviations for this.
    Country/region The country where your organization is based.

  11. Choose a network share path to save the Certificate Signing Request to a particular file as a .req. After that, hit Finish.

  12. You should now be able to open the CSR with a text editing program. During the SSL Certificate order process, you will need to copy the entire file into the order form.


Once you have received your SSL Certificate, you can install it.


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