
Knowledge Base

Set Up Preferred Payment Method for Affiliate Payout

With the new Crazy Domains Affiliate Program platform, you can select your preferred payment method for your affiliate payout.

Here's how you can do it.

  1. Log in to your affiliate account.
  2. In the lower left section of the affiliate dashboard, click the kebab menu symbol, and then click Settings.
    Screenshot of CD Affiliate Program Settings Button in the Impact Dashboard
  3. When the Settings screen opens, scroll down to the FINANCE section, and then click Bank Account.
  4. In the Payment Method section of Bank Account, enter the applicable bank account information.

    NOTE: The Electronic Funds Transfer option is selected by default. You can also select the PayPal option depending on your country.

    Also, only use the English alphabet while filling out your bank account information. Failure to follow the appropriate directions may result in your payments not being processed.

  5. In the Autopay section, select either of the following:
    • Pay me when my balance reaches threshold — Select the applicable amount threshold for your account balance.
    • Pay me on a fixed day of the month — Select the 1st or 15th of each month to withdraw your funds.

  6. Now, click Save to save the changes.
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