Our Service
21.28 .biz Specific Terms
The following clause (21.28) applies specifically to .biz domain names.
This document contains the terms and conditions that apply between you, us and the services provided by the registrar.
21.28.1 .biz Restrictions
Registrations in the .biz TLD must be used or intended to be used primarily for bona fide business or commercial purposes. For purposes of the .biz Registration Restrictions ("Restrictions"), "bona fide business or commercial use" shall mean the bona fide use or bona fide intent to use the domain name or any content, software, materials, graphics or other information thereon, to permit Internet users to access one or more host computers through the DNS:
- To exchange goods, services, or property of any kind;
- In the ordinary course of trade or business; or
- To facilitate (i) the exchange of goods, services, information, or property of any kind; or, (ii) the ordinary course of trade or business.
Registering a domain name solely for the purposes of (1) selling, trading or leasing the domain name for compensation, or (2) the unsolicited offering to sell, trade or lease the domain name for compensation shall not constitute a "bona fide business or "commercial use" of that domain name.
21.28.2 .biz Certification
As a .biz domain name Registrant, you hereby certify to the
- The registered domain name will be used primarily for bona fide business or commercial purposes and not (i) exclusively for personal use; or (ii) solely for the purposes of (1) selling, trading or leasing the domain name for compensation, or (2) the unsolicited offering to sell, trade or lease the domain name for compensation. For more information on the .biz restrictions, which are incorporated herein by reference, please see: https://www.NeuStar.biz
- The domain name Registrant has the authority to enter into the registration agreement; and
- The registered domain name is reasonably related to the Registrant's business or intended commercial purpose at the time of registration.
For purposes of the .biz Registration Restrictions ("Restrictions"), "bona fide business or commercial use" shall mean the bona fide use or bona fide intent to use the domain name or any content, software, materials, graphics or other information thereon, to permit Internet users to access one or more host computers through the DNS:
- To exchange goods, services, or property of any kind;
- In the ordinary course of trade or business; or
- To facilitate (i) the exchange of goods, services, information, or property of any kind; or, (ii) the ordinary course of trade or business.
Registering a domain name solely for the purposes of (1) selling, trading or leasing the domain name for compensation, or (2) the unsolicited offering to sell, trade or lease the domain name for compensation shall not constitute a "bona fide business or commercial use" of that domain name.
For illustration purposes, the following shall not constitute a "bona fide business or commercial use" of a domain name:
- Using or intending to use the domain name exclusively for personal, non-commercial purposes; or
- Using or intending to use the domain name exclusively for the expression of non-commercial ideas (i.e., registering abcsucks.biz exclusively to criticize or otherwise express an opinion on the products or services of ABC company, with no other intended business or commercial purpose);
Using the domain name for the submission of unsolicited bulk e-mail, phishing, pharming or other abusive or fraudulent purposes.
21.28.3 Provision of Registration Data
As part of the registration process, you are required to provide the registry administrator with certain information and to update this information to keep it current, complete and accurate. This information includes:
- your full name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available;
- the name of an authorized person for contact purposes in the case of a Registrant that is an organization, association, or corporation;
- the IP addresses of the primary nameserver and any secondary nameserver(s) for the domain name;
- the corresponding names of those nameservers;
- the full name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the technical contact for the domain name;
- the full name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the administrative contact for the domain name;
- the name, postal address, e-mail address, voice telephone number, and fax number if available of the billing contact for the domain name; and
- any remark concerning the registered domain name that should appear in the Whois directory. You agree and understand that the foregoing registration data will be publicly available and accessible on the Whois directory as required by ICANN/Registry Policy and may be sold in bulk in accordance with the ICANN Accreditation Agreement (the "ICANN Agreement"), available at ICANN's site.
You hereby represent and warrant that the data provided in the domain name registration application is true, correct, up to date and complete and that you will continue to keep all the information provided up to date. Your wilful provision of inaccurate or unreliable information, your wilful failure promptly to update information provided to the registry administrator, or any failure to respond for over five calendar days to our inquiries addressed to the e-mail address of the administrative, billing or technical contact then appearing in the Whois directory with respect to an domain name concerning the accuracy of contact details associated with any registration(s) or the registration of any domain name(s) registered by or through you or your account, shall constitute a breach of this Agreement. Any information collected by the registry administrator concerning an identified or identifiable natural person ("Personal Data") will be used in connection with the registration of your domain name(s) and for the purposes of this Agreement and as required or permitted by the ICANN Agreement or any ICANN/Registry Policy.
21.28.4 Dispute Resolution
If you reserved or registered a .biz domain name through the Registrar, you agree to be bound by our current domain name dispute policy that is incorporated herein and made a part of this Agreement by reference. Please take the time to familiarize yourself with that policy. In addition, you hereby acknowledge that you have read and understood and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions of the following documents, as they may be amended from time to time, which are hereby incorporated and made an integral part of this Agreement:
- The Uniform Domain Name Dispute Resolution Policy, currently available at https://www.icann.org/resources/pages/help/dndr/udrp-en; and
- Restrictions Dispute Resolution Criteria and Rules, currently available at http://www.registry.neustar/.
The UDRP sets forth the terms and conditions in connection with a dispute between a Registrant of a .biz domain name ("Registrant") with any third party (other than registry administrator or registrar) over the registration or the use of a .biz domain name registered by Registrant. The RDRP sets forth the terms under which any allegation that a domain name is not used primarily for business or commercial purposes shall be enforced on a case-by-case, fact specific basis by an independent ICANN-accredited dispute provider. None of the violations of the Restrictions will be enforced directly by or through Registry administrator. Registry administrator will not review, monitor, or otherwise verify that any particular domain name is being used primarily for business or commercial purposes or that a domain name is being used in compliance with the UDRP processes.